Friday, November 29, 2019
Ethics In The Public Sector free essay sample
Compares local and federal levels, regulations, bureaucracy, history, movement to reinvent the government and personal accountability. The theory of corporate illegality states that in order for corporate illegality to occur, three factors must be present. First, there must be a motivating tension for the person to break the law in order to achieve a goal. Second there must be the opportunity to engage in illegal behavior. Finally there must not be effective controls in place to prevent or discourage the behavior (McKendall, 2002). Using the case above regarding the City of Federal Dam I can only speculate on the motivating factor that caused Ms. Jensen to engage in the illegal behavior of cashing checks into her own personal bank account.
Monday, November 25, 2019
German Herbs and Spices Glossary
German Herbs and Spices Glossary When you are cooking or dining in a German-speaking country, you will want to know the words for herbs, spices, and seasonings. Explore these two lists. First, a German-English list and then an English-German list. German-English Herbs and Spices Glossary Key:Noun gender: r (der, masc.), e (die, fem.), or s (das, neu.) Ar Anis anise Bs Basilikum basilr Beifuß mugwortr Bockshornklee fenugreeks Bohnenkraut savory n.r Boretsch boragee Brunnenkresse watercresss Bà ¼rzelkraut/Purzelkraut purslane Cr Cardamom/Kardamom cardamom, cardamonCayenne-Pfeffer cayenne pepperr Coriander cilantro (coriander)r Cumin cumine Curcuma/Kurkuma turmericr/s Curry curry Dr Dill dill Ee Edelraute ruer Estragon tarragon Fr Fenchel fennelr Fencheltee fennel tea Ge Gartenkresse nasturtiume Gelbwurz turmerice Gewà ¼rznelke (-n) clove(s) Hr Holunder eldere Holunderbeere elderberryHopfen (pl) hops Ir Ingwer ginger Ke Kamille camomile, chamomileKapern (pl) capersr Kapuziner nasturtiume Kapuzinerkresse nasturtiumr Kerbel chervilr Knoblauch garlicr Koriander cilantro, corianders Kraut herbà Kruter (pl) herbse Kruterbutter herb butterr Kruterlikà ¶r herbal liqueurr Krutertee herb(al) teae Kresse cressr Kreuzkà ¼mmel cuminr Kà ¼mmel caraway (seed)r Kà ¼rbissamen pumpkin seede Kurkuma turmeric Lr Lauch (-e) leek(s), alliumr/s Liebstà ¶ckel lovages Là ¶ffelkraut common scurvygrasss Lorbeerblatt bay leafLorbeerbltter (pl) bay leaves Mr Majoran majoram, majoran, marjoramr Majoran sweet majoram, knotted majoramr Meerrettich horseradishe Minze mintr Mohn poppy (seed)e Muskatnuss nutmeg Ne Nelke (-n) clove(s)r Nelkenpfeffer allspice (berries of the pimento tree) Or Oregano oregano Pr Paprika paprikae Paprikaschote pimentoe Peperoni chili pepper, peperoni (spice)e Petersilie parsleyr Pfeffer peppers Pfefferkorn (-kà ¶rner) peppercorn(s)e Pfefferminze peppermintr Piment allspice (berries of the pimento tree)r Porree (-s) leek(s), alliumr Portulak, s Bà ¼rzelkraut/Purzelkraut purslaner Puderzucker powdered sugar Rr Rosmarin rosemary Sr Safran saffronr/e Salbei sagee Schale peel (orange, lemon)r/e Schickoree chicoryr Schnittlauch chivesr Selleriesamen (-) celery seed(s)r Senf mustardSenfkà ¶rner (pl) mustard seedr Sesam sesames Steinkraut stonecrop Tr Thymian thymee Tripmadam, s Steinkraut stonecrop Ve Vanillestange vanilla podr Vanillezucker vanilla-flavored sugar We Wacholderbeere juniper berryWacholderbeeren (pl) juniper berriesr Waldmeister woodruffe Wegwarte chicorye Weinraute ruer Wermut (seasoning) wormwoodr Wermut (herbal liqueur) vermouths Wurstkraut, r Majoran sweet majoram, knotted majoramwà ¼rzen v. to season, add seasoning/spices Yr Ysop hyssop Ze Zichorie (in coffee) chicoryr Zimt cinnamone Zitronenmelisse lemon balme Zitronenschale (-n) lemon peel(s)r Zwiebel onion à English-German Herbs and Spices Glossary Key:Noun gender: r (der, masc.), e (die, fem.), or s (das, neu.) Aallspice (berries of pimento tree) r Nelkenpfeffer, r Pimentanise r Anis Bbasil s Basilikumbay leaf s Lorbeerblattbay leaves Lorbeerbltter (pl)borage r Boretsch Ccamomile, chamomile e Kamillecapers Kapern (pl)caraway (seed) r Kà ¼mmelcardamom, cardamon Kardamom, Cardamomcayenne pepper Cayenne-Pfeffercelery seed(s) r Selleriesamen (-)chervil r Kerbelchicory e Wegwarte, r/e Schickoree, e Zichorie (in coffee)chili pepper e Peperonichives r Schnittlauchcilantro (coriander) r Koriandercinnamon r Zimtclove(s) e Nelke (-n), e Gewà ¼rznelke (-n)common scurvygrass s Là ¶ffelkrautcoriander r Coriander/Koriandercress e Kresse/Brunnenkressecumin r Cumin, r Kreuzkà ¼mmelcurry r/s Curry Ddill r Dill Eelder r Holunderelderberry e Holunderbeere Ffennel r Fenchelfennel tea r Fenchelteefenugreek r Bockshornklee Ggarlic r Knoblauchginger r Ingwer Hhops Hopfen (pl)horseradish r Meerrettichhyssop r Ysop Jjuniper berry e Wacholderbeerejuniper berries Wacholderbeeren (pl) Lleek(s), allium r Lauch (-e), r Porree (-s)lemon balm e Zitronenmelisselemon peel(s) e Zitronenschale (-n)lovage r/s Liebstà ¶ckel Mmajoram, majoran, marjoram r Majoranmint e Minzemugwort r Beifußmustard r Senfmustard seed Senfkà ¶rner (pl) Nnasturtium e Gartenkresse, r Kapuziner, e Kapuzinerkressenutmeg e Muskatnuss Oonion r Zwiebeloregano r Oregano Ppaprika r Paprikaparsley e Petersiliepeel (orange, lemon) e Schalepeperoni, chili pepper e Peperonipeperoni, chili pepper r Paprika (Switz.)pepper r Pfefferpeppercorn s Pfefferkorn (-kà ¶rner)peppermint e Pfefferminzepimento e Paprikaschotepoppy (seed) r Mohnpowdered sugar r Puderzuckerpumpkin seed r Kà ¼rbissamenpurslane r Portulak, s Bà ¼rzelkraut/Purzelkraut Rrosemary r Rosmarinrue e Weinraute, e Edelraute Ssaffron r Safransage r/e Salbeisavory n. s Bohnenkrautseason, add seasoning/spices v. wà ¼rzensesame seeds Sesamkà ¶rner (pl), r Sesamstonecrop e Tripmadam, s Steinkrautsweet majoram, knotted majoram s Wurstkraut, r Majoran Ttarragon r Estragonthyme r Thymianturmeric e Curcuma/Kurkuma, e Gelbwurz Vvanilla-flavored sugar r Vanillezuckervanilla pod e Vanillestangevermouth r Wermut (herbal liqueur) Wwatercress e Brunnenkressewoodruff r Waldmeisterwormwood r Wermut (seasoning)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Business Ethics Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Business Ethics - Article Example In effect, the accountants were complicitors in the scheme. The was recently taken over by the Indian government who also placed criminal charges against its several executives. The moral issue involved here is simply that they were wrong to lie about their assets and the accountants were wrong to knowingly report the soup up numbers. 2. Are there any arguments that could justify such fraud. Was there a greater good the Satyam Computer Services was seeking? One could argue that they had to do what they did to attract investment so that the company could experience further growth and attract new clients. In this possibility, as the new clients were brought on, the phoney invoices would be removed until they were all gone. If this argument were allowed then other companies could do the same until there was nothing but a paper empire built in the business world. Another argument would be that the activity represented more the creativity of executives of Satyam Computer then it did their greed. They could have stopped the activity, say, after one or two years and no one would have been the wiser. 3. Virtuous responsibility requires one to make the best best decisions possible that are based on temperance and justice. Another view is that it is based on everyone should get what they deserved.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Marine pollotion in central New South Wales estuaries in australia Essay
Marine pollotion in central New South Wales estuaries in australia - Essay Example Preventive measures should be enacted to prevent pollution of the New South Wales estuaries as discussed in the essay. Marine pollution in Australia specifically in New South Wales estuaries An estuary is an enclosed water body having different streams flowing into it. It has an open connection to the sea. They are the most productive natural habitats in the world. This is because the inflow of both fresh water and seawater provides a high concentration of nutrients hence supporting marine life (Levinton, 2006:12). Estuaries are classified according to the water circulation patterns. Because of this, estuaries have different names that are inlets, harbors, bays, and lagoons (Wolanski & Mclusky, 2011:107). Many people live along the banks of the estuaries this has resulted to estuaries suffering pollution especially metals which greatly affect sea creatures. Other effects are soil erosion, overfishing, poor farming practices and excessive nutrients that are from sewage and animals was te. Estuaries of New South Wales are the places of transition. They are enclosed with an open connection to the sea. They vary in size and shape. It is an ecosystem to support different species (Wolanski & Mclusky, 2011:111). Estuaries are very important natural habitats. Research shows that 80% of the stateââ¬â¢s population lives in areas surrounding estuaries (Mcclintock, 2003: 4). This has resulted to the pollution of the estuaries. They are relied as sources of tourism, commercial, recreation, and cultural areas. Due to the high population in New South Wales living in catchment surrounding estuaries, estuaries are subject to pressure because of the human activities. Apart from the human activities, natural events such as floods and storms accelerate the rate of sedimentation (Wolanski & Mclusky, 2011:127). Other effects include increased in nutrients due to the sewerage disposal, loss of habitat for the marine world life and biodiversity. Biodiversity is an ecosystem, which s upports a variety of plants and animals (Mcclintock, 2003: 23). The contamination rate in New South Wales is because of the increase in urbanization and industrialization. Industrialization activities realize harmful substances which pollute the ecosystem. In the 20th century estuaries, receive threat due to pollution and overfishing. The pollution is because of the high population living along the estuaries. Most of the pollutants are pesticides, plastics, and heavy metals (Mcclintock, 2003: 41). Due to the agricultural activities, land run-off greatly affects estuaries. The fertilizers used in agriculture pollute the estuaries thus affecting the sea creatures. Pollution results to depletion of oxygen due to the growth of algae (Wolanski & Mclusky, 2011:141). Depletion of oxygen results to creation of dead zones, which causes reduction of sea creatures. Marine pollution in Australia specifically in New South Wales is because of the urban and industrial activities. Industrialization pollutes estuaries greatly due to the waste materials that are channeled to the estuaries. The organic chemicals results to change in natural conditions in the water this is temperature, salinity, and levels of oxygen (Mcclintock, 2003: 67). The change in the natural condition of estuaries results to change in composition of the species. Some species of sea creatures cannot survive in high saline ecosystem. However, some have adaptation to support their survival in a saline
Monday, November 18, 2019
Follow instruction Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Follow instruction - Assignment Example My inspiration was the ability to control everything in my life as everything went according to my life. Simply put, I had everything going as I wished. To some extent, I even controlled my then boyfriend who we dated for approximately 6 years; throughout my campus life and after campus. Life was to change after campus when I realized that life is not about forcing things to happen but compromising on some things to gain others. My first blow was when my long time boyfriend left me after so many years of dating. He complained of the fact that I always controlled his life and I never gave him time to live his life. With time I decided to leave my home and live independently. Even after lot of advice that I was not prepared to live independently, I thought I was always right, so I moved out. It became very difficult to survive on my own especially without a job. In my mind I knew I was right. Since I was a graduate, I thought getting a job would be easy. This was the complete opposite as I struggled without a job and rent to pay. I suffered a lot in life and even opted to start drinking to seek solace. Life was getting worse by the day. I got a job later and moved out of town. It is at this juncture that my life started changing. I learnt that life is all about compromise. No person is right, and no person has the right to undermine and despise the other. With this bitter truth in my mind, I have learnt to live with all manners of people regardless of their social status, beliefs or even race. To some extent, I have changed for the better. I have moved on from my past mistakes and adopted a new lifestyle. I got married two years ago, and I have learnt to appreciate my husband whom we have a cute daughter. Conclusively, life changes play a critical role in shaping a new person. I am no longer proud and unappreciative of lifeââ¬â¢s little blessings as luck never waits for a person. I also learnt that forgiveness is vital in successful life. Forgiveness is not about
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Lays A Potato Chips And Company Marketing Essay
Lays A Potato Chips And Company Marketing Essay Lays established in India in 1965 and introduces international and Indian flavours in Indian market.Lays introduces pure vegetarian flavours in Indian market.The most famous flvours are Lays Spanish Tango,Classic Salted,Lime , Indias Massala Masti,American style Cream and Onion and Indian Magic Massal( According to Business dictionary SWOT analysis is a situation analysis of an organization to find out internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and strength of company to make a strategy. Lays is a multinational company who has strong distribution network. Its easily available to everywhere. Although Lays has a strong distribution network, they are trying to expand their network in all areas of the country. Lays has a strong brand value itself but there are some differential advantage which makes Lays above then its competitors and that advantage is Pepsico.Lays is a brand of Pepsico company who has strong reputation in the world.Frito-Lay sales forces enjoys excellent reputation over its competitors(Marketing Management,p325) Market sementation means division of a market into different segments of buyers with different wants and behaviours,wo wants different products or marketing mix.The companies used different methods to segment the market and develops profiles for those segments.(Principles of Marketing 4th European Edition,P 391)
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Capital Punishment Essay - The Death Penalty in Canada and the USA :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays
The Death Penalty in Canada and the USA The death penalty, also referred to as capital punishment, has been abolished in Canada since 1976, but still exist in a few American States. The last execution in Canada took place in 1962. I disagree with the death penalty for several reasons. My first reason is that I find it extremely inhumane to take someone's life in order to demonstrate the power of the law. Another reason for my disapproval of the death penalty, is the amount of money that it takes to put someone to death, as it would cost the same to keep an inmate in jail for life, as it would to put that same inmate to death. My third and final reason, is the guilty conscience that is placed on everyone involved: the jury who convicted the accused to death; the witnesses to the execution; and the jail warden who must give out the execution; and the person who pulls the switch or induces the poison. Early societies were based on a simple code of law: "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth". Today, now that our society has become more advanced, we do not function by this ancient code of punishment. For example, we do not rape the rapist's daughter; we do not kidnap the kidnapper's children; but if the death penalty were permitted, we would " kill the killer". So why, as educated citizens, would we want to lower ourselves to this level? Do we feel that we need to show the power of the police force by killing the killers? The death penalty is extremely barbaric and is often botched in order to let the accused suffer for several minutes. Society by now must realize that two wrongs certainly do not make a right. You do not show society anything, by killing the killers, except your ignorance for human life and well being. Some thought has been that if you do "kill the killer", it will deter others from committing such a terrible crime. However, murder rates in Canada have remained the same and there is no significant difference when comparisons are made of those States who still have the death penalty. A widely publicized execution might reduce homicides, but only for a brief period. Therefore, I do not feel that Canada should permit such a deplorable undertaking of a human life. I know they must be punished, but there is a better way. Prior to putting someone to death, the accused's lawyer will attempt
Monday, November 11, 2019
Dog Saves Life Essay
I was very enthusiastic for my world adventure race and wanted to get in shape, therefore I decided to head out for a run. I took my dog, Tazz along who was my constant companion and was very energetic and playful. Moreover, the route I took was very rough and unstable, despite that I carried on with my run in the remote canyon. During my training run, fortuitously I slipped and plunged 60 feet on to the solid rock smashing my pelvis into pieces. I was dreadfully injured but still alive; it was an abominable pain and my next reaction was to get out of here, despite my broken pelvis I tried standing up but I failed. My legs couldnââ¬â¢t support my body and I was unable to walk, besides that I was separated from my dog which aggravated the situation. I was stranded alone in the barren wilderness and I was facing my worst nightmare. Furthermore, I started dragging myself inch by inch which was causing enormous pain and then suddenly my dog appeared and came to my rescue; I was no longer alone and that gave me a comfort. Since he came to me I knew there was a route out and so I followed him, over and above I was planning to get back to my truck however, the pain was augmenting. As the night arrived it was freezing cold and I struggled doing sit-ups to keep my body warm and prevent hypothermia; I was fighting for my life. I just had my dog that cuddled up next to me. The next morning I tried again to drag myself but I was unable to move any further because I had interior bleeding and I was in a critical situation. It was getting difficult to breathe as well as I was losing vision. Moreover, because of the appalling pain I started crying as well as losing hope that anyone would find me and then Tazz came over to me and saw my tears. I could see that he was also upset. Eventually my family members informed the police that I was not receiving the phone calls, therefore a search team mobilized and a local detective knew about my place where I often train, they came searching for me and found my truck. At that point I was dying and so I said to tazz that Iââ¬â¢m hurt and he needs to find help; he turned around and took off which was very depressing because then I had to face death alone. Furthermore, tazz was seen by the search team as he found the way out of the canyon. Tazz ran towards them and starting barking thus, one of the officers followed him and eventually found me. I was thankful to God as my ordeal was over. They gave me water and the feeling of having gulps of water actually go down the throat was incredible. I was glad to be alive.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Explorations in Arthurian Legends
Explorations in Arthurian Legends The legends tell us that Arthur was a wise and powerful king, who ruled from a giant and glorious castle and who commanded the loyalty of hundreds of men.First and foremost of these followers were the Knights of the Round Table. That greatest knight in skill of arms, Lancelot, pledged his loyalty to Arthur, is testament to the fact that the king was worthy of such admiration, both as a king and as a warrior.War was a way of life in Arthur's day. Just after he pulled the Sword from the Stone, he hurried to Bedegraine and defeated a rogue band of 11 powerful men who had rebelled against his leadership.He faced constant pressure from the Saxons and the Picts and the Irish and the Romans; in the end, he faced a mortal threat from his own men.He was also the backdrop against which many other adventures took place.English: LancelotBeginning with Chretien de Troyes, writers wrote adventures of Arthur's knights, telling us of their wonderful adventures and of courtly love. The court, of cour se, was Arthur's. In a sense, Arthur was moved above the day-to-day adventures his knights having and put on a pedestal as the symbol of what a knight could hope to achieve.He was also the one whom everyone looked up to and whom everyone trusted to pass judgment if they had a dispute. Important men bowed to his authority and his wisdom. He held court and was the arbiter of justice. He made his own laws and enforced them himself, with the respect of his subjects. He fought in battles and sent his knights out to do battle. As such, he was both king and battle commander.Later, Arthur was said to have conceived a son out of matrimony; Guinevere was said...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Global Expansion of Beyond Bank Australia into Doha, Qatar, Asia
Global Expansion of Beyond Bank Australia into Doha, Qatar, Asia Introduction Background information Beyond Bank is a firm that operates in the Australian banking industry. The bank ranks as one of the largest customer-owned banks in Australia. The bankââ¬â¢s headquartered are located at the Australian Capital Territory in South Australia.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Global Expansion of Beyond Bank Australia into Doha, Qatar, Asia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The bank has undergone significant changes with regard to its operations and structure. Initially, the bank operated as a credit union under the name Community CPS Australia. However, the firm transformed its structure into a mutual bank in 2013 through a merger between CPS Credit Union Cooperative Limited and Commonwealth Public Servants Credit Union. In an effort to provide its banking services to a large number of customers in Australia, Beyond Bank has established a number of branches in different territories in Australia such as New South Wales. Currently, Beyond Bank has established 49 branches and it has a total human resource base of 600 employees. Beyond Bank is committed to increasing its customer base in order to achieve a high level of financial stability. It is estimated that the bank had a total customer base of 195,000 by the end of 2013. Subsequently, the bank has managed to improve its financial stability with its total assets estimated to amount to $4 billion. Furthermore, the bank has increased its shareholding to 202,000. In an effort to meet the customersââ¬â¢ needs, Beyond Bank has diversified its product and service portfolio. The bank offers diverse services such as business banking and personal banking. Other financial services that the firm offers to its customers include term deposits, accounting and tax services, insurance, and loans. Furthermore, Beyond Bank provides customers with financial planning services. In the course of its operations, Beyond Bank is co mmitted towards achieving a high level of prosperity. Subsequently, the bank has developed an effective distribution network by developing a comprehensive network of over 3,000 automated teller machines. Moreover, the bank has developed a strong working relationship with various community groups in an effort to achieve social sustainability through corporate social responsibility (Beyond Bank Australia 2014).Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The firm seeks to achieve its growth and profit maximisation targets. In a bid to achieve this goal, the firmââ¬â¢s management team appreciates the importance of integrating the concept of internationalisation in its strategic management practices. Pride and Ferrell (2006) argue that internationalisation enables a firm to achieve its profit maximisation and growth objective. This assertion emanates from the view that venturi ng into the international market presents an organisation with a wide range of opportunities. Sandhusen (2008) asserts that the intensity of competition in the foreign market might be lower as compared to the local market. Therefore, there is a high probability of a firm maximising its profits by exploiting the prevailing market opportunities is relatively high. This goal can be achieved by adopting diverse growth strategies in the international market such as new product development. Moreover, an organisation may decide to market its existing products in the new market. Currently, the Beyond Bankââ¬â¢s operations are mainly based in Australia. The firm has identified Qatar as one of the most viable investment destinations in its market expansion efforts. Currently, Beyond Bank has not established its presence in Asia. Qatar is ranked amongst the fastest growing economies in the Gulf region. The growth has arisen from the adoption of effective economic policies such as liberalisa tion of various economic sectors. Additionally, Qatar has adopted effective economic policies such as formation of free zones. This move has played a remarkable role in enhancing trade with other countries. Moreover, Qatar has entered various free trading agreements with other GCC countries. Qatar is experiencing a high rate of economic growth in most of its economic sectors. The financial services sector is ranked amongst the fastest growing economic sectors in the country. A report released by the Qatar National Bank (2013) ranked the Qatar banking industry as the fastest growing amongst the GCC banking sector and the growth rate was estimated to be 18.4% by June 2013. Furthermore, the report asserts that the industry will experience a high rate of growth arising from the governmentââ¬â¢s efforts to stimulate economic growth in an effort to restore the countryââ¬â¢s economic status, which was affected adversely by the 2008 global economic recession (Qatar National Bank 2013) .Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Global Expansion of Beyond Bank Australia into Doha, Qatar, Asia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Objective This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the internationalisation strategies that Beyond Bank should adopt in its effort to improve its market presence in Asia. The report specifically focuses on Qatar as the potential foreign expansion destination. During its initial market entry phase, Beyond Bank intends to establish its physical presence in Doha before expanding to other regions of Qatar. The report is intended to illustrate how Beyond Bankââ¬â¢s management team can successfully penetrate the Qatar banking industry. The report is organised into a number of sections, which include an illustration of company situation, an analysis of the target market, and evaluation of the market entry strategies that the firm should adopt. Finally, a number of recommendations t hat the firm should consider in its operations in the host country are outlined. Analysis of the target market [Qatar] The decision to target Qatar arises from the high potential for growth as illustrated by the industry structure. Currently, Qatar has 18 banks, which are located in different parts of the country. The chart below illustrates the constitution of Qatar banking industry. Type of Bank Number Commercial banks 6 Islamic banks 4 Foreign banks 7 Government owned bank [Qatar Development Bank] 1 Table 1 number of banks in Australia Source: (Austrade 2011) The Qatar banking industry has experienced significant increment in the volume of deposits over the past few years. For example in 2012, total deposits increased by a 26% margin and this trend further continued in 2013 whereby deposits increased by a further 17% total (Qatar National Bank 2013).Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This growth was largely associated with growth in the public sector. Moreover, the private sector has also contributed significantly to the industryââ¬â¢s growth. For example, the volume of deposits from the private sector increased by 16% in 2012 (Qatar National Bank 2013). Qatar banks have experienced a significant improvement in their ratings over the past few years. This aspect illustrates the effectiveness with which the banks have implemented corporate governance concepts. Furthermore, the high rating is an illustration of the Qatar governmentââ¬â¢s commitment in creating an environment conducive for investment in the banking industry. The rating by major rating agencies such as Standardââ¬â¢s Poors, Capital Intel, Fitch and Moodyââ¬â¢s has improved their ability to access the international bond markets. The chart below illustrates the rating of the top 5 banks in Qatar (Qatar National Bank 2013). Standard Poors Moodyââ¬â¢s Fitch Capital Intel Doha Bank A- A2 A A Masraf Al Rayan A2 Qatar Investment Bank A Qatar National Bank A+ Aa3 A+ AA- Commercial Bank A- A1 A A Table 2 rating of major banks in Qatar Source; (Qatar National Bank 2013). The Qatar banking industry has also been characterised by significant increment in the level of profitability. For example, during the first half of 2013, the industry experienced an 8.9% increment in the level of profits. The industry is expected to sustain its profitability in 2014 due to the high infrastructure spending by the national government. Subsequently, there is a high probability of banks in the industry experiencing significant opportunity with regard to credit growth. The table below illustrates the trend in the industryââ¬â¢s profitability during the period ranging between 2008 and June 2013 (Qatar National Bank 2013). Year Growth rate % 2008 2.8 2009 2.8 2010 3.5 2011 4.3 2012 4.6 2013 (H1) 2.4 Table 3: profit growth amongst banks in Qatar Gra ph 1 Source- (Qatar National Bank 2013) SWOT analysis Kazmi (2008) argues that businesses are subject to the environment in which they operate. Subsequently, it is imperative for organisational managers to develop a broad understanding of the prevailing environments. Since its inception, Beyond Bank has been committed to managing its internal and external environments. The chart below illustrates the degree to which Beyond Bank has managed its internal and external environments by illustrating the firmââ¬â¢s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Strengths Financial stability:Beyond Bank Australia has achieved financial stability by focusing on profit maximisation and growth. By the end of 2013, the total assets under its management amounted to $4 billion (Beyond BankAustralia 2014) Networks:Beyond Bank has adopted an effective distribution strategy by establishing over 3,000 Automated Teller Machines, and 49 branches in different parts of Australia. This has playe d a significant role in improving the bankââ¬â¢s ability to access a large number of customers in the local market. Human resource base:the bank has developed a well-qualified and efficient workforce, which increases the firmââ¬â¢s effectiveness in offering quality customer services. The firm has a total human resource base of over 600 employees. Customer base: Beyond Bank enjoys a relatively high customer base of over 195,000 customers. These customers have played a fundamental role in enhancing the firmââ¬â¢s level of profitability and market expansion. Corporate social responsibility Beyond Bank Australia is ranked as the leading customer-owned banks in Australia. The bank has integrated the concept of corporate social responsibility by developing a strong working relationship with community-based organisations. Subsequently, the bank has achieved a high level of sustainability with regard to the social dimension. Weaknesses Competition;the bank is facing intense competi tion in both its local and international markets. Some of the top competitors in the local market include National Australia Bank Limited, Commonwealth Bank of Australia and Australia New Zealand Banking Group Limited. Distribution the bankââ¬â¢s outlets and ATMs are still fewer as compared to those of its competitors. Opportunities Global expansion;the firm can deal with this challenge by expanding into the international market. The bank should target emerging economies in order to leverage on the economic growth of these countries. Technology: the banking industry has experienced significant changes due to the high rate of technological changes. Subsequently, the bank should consider improving its operational efficiency and level of customer service by investing in new banking technologies. This aspect will enhance Beyond Bank ability to develop new banking products. Customer focus; Beyond Bank Australia can achieve a high level of market growth by adopting effective customer focus strategies in its service delivery. Threats Economic environment; the worsening economic environment in New Zealand and Australia presents a major challenge in the firmââ¬â¢s ability to achieve its profit maximisation objective. Legal environment;regulatory changes such as the imposition of credit limits can affect the bankââ¬â¢s ability to offer efficient financial services to customers. Fraud:the bankââ¬â¢s credibility might be affected by occurrence of fraud and money laundering, which are on the increase in the banking industry (Mitchell Satter 2013) Table 4- Beyond Bank Australia SWOT analysis Company situation analysis Company strategies Strategy formulation is vital in organisationsââ¬â¢ efforts to achieve long-term success (Carroll Buchholtz 2014). Subsequently, failure to implement effective strategies can affect an organisationââ¬â¢s ability to achieve its goals. Carroll and Buchholtz (2014, p.129) further assert, ââ¬ËFirms have several levels at which strategic decisions are made, or the strategy process occursââ¬â¢. These strategies range from formulation of goals, vision, and mission to high risk strategies involving high degree of uncertainty. Organisational managers should consider different levels of strategy in their strategic management practices and they include corporate, business, and functional level strategies. The functional-level strategies aim at improving an organisationââ¬â¢s operations at different levels of operation. On the other hand, corporate level strategies are concerned with developing a comprehensive definition of how a firm intends to achieve long-term business sustainability, and thus they enhance an organisationââ¬â¢s ability to achieve business growth and long-term profitability (Saee 2007). Some of the main corporate level strategies adopted by businesses include formation of mergers, divestitures, and acquisitions (Ireland, Hoskisson Hitt 2008). Business level strategies aim at ensuring that an organisation achieves the desired market position and competitive advantage. Additionally, business-level strategies focus at ensuring that an organisation is effective in responding to market changes. Subsequently, business level strategies enable organisations to achieve a high degree of operational efficiency in coordinating and uniting the functional level strategies. Beyond Bank Australia has integrated the aforementioned levels in its strategy formulation process. In its functional level, Beyond Bank Australia has integrated three main departments, which include personal banking, corporate banking, and business banking departments. By integrating these functional levels, Beyond Bank has achieved a high degree of operational efficiency and effectiveness. Business level strategies In its pursuit for competitive advantage, Beyond Bank has adopted two main business level strategies, which include differentiation and focus strategies. Customer focus The firmââ¬â ¢s focus strategy is illustrated by its commitment to serve a large number of customer groups. Subsequently, it must develop a broad product portfolio in order to meet the customersââ¬â¢ needs. Moreover, the broad range of products provides the firm with a high degree of flexibility to serve the target customer groups efficiently. Beyond Bank Australia intends to increase and sustain its customer base by offering a broad range of financial products per customer group. The firm mainly focuses on three main products, which include insurance, wealth, and deposits. In an effort to develop a strong customer base, Beyond Bank Australia has adopted a comprehensive sustainability strategy, which entails assisting its customers to attain sustainable financial future in an environment that is characterised by a high rate of economic changes. For example, the bank assists its customers in managing their wealth by offering different asset management services (Beyond Bank Australia 2014). In an effort to achieve a high level of efficiency in its operation, Beyond Bank Australia has established a number of subsidiaries, which include: Beyond Bank Australia Wealth Management Beyond Taxation Services Beyond Business and Accounting Services Each of the above subsidiaries specialises in a specific area of operation. For example, Eastwoods Wealth Management Pty Limited specialises in provision of financial planning services. On the other hand, Eastwood Accounting and Taxation Pty Limited specialises in provision of accounting and taxation services. The bank has established three main divisions, which offer financial services to specific customer groups in its New Zealand, Australian, and near pacific markets. The first group includes the Australian Financial Services, which is responsible for offering business and retail financial services. Differentiation strategy Schermerhorn (2010) asserts that differentiation is achieved by offering customersââ¬â¢ unique products an d services. In an effort to attract and retain a large number of customers, Beyond Bank Australia has also integrated the concept of differentiation, as evidenced by its digital innovation projects. The projects aim at ensuring that the customersââ¬â¢ personal information is adequately protected. This has been achieved by implementing an ePayment Code, whose purpose is to regular electronic payment. The ePayment Code ensures that the customersââ¬â¢ transactions through mobile, ATMs, internet and eftpos platforms are protected (Beyond Bank Australia 2014) Corporate level strategies In an effort to achieve its desired level of growth and competitiveness, Beyond Bank has integrated the concept of mergers and acquisition in its strategic management practices. In 2013, CPS Credit Union Cooperative Limited merged with Commonwealth Public Servants Credit Union leading to formation of Beyond Bank Australia. The Australian banking industry is characterised by a relatively high degree o f rivalry arising from the large number of competitors. Currently, there are 56 banks [both local and foreign] established in Australia. The chart below illustrates the intensity of competition in the Australian banking industry. Figure 1 summary of Porterââ¬â¢s five forces; Australian banking industry Source: (Austrade 2011) Internationalisation and global expansion Internationalisation strategy into Qatar The above analysis shows that there is a high potential for growth in the Qatar banking industry. In a bid to exploit this market opportunity, Beyond Bank should consider adopting the most effective market entry strategy. Levi (2006) argues that selection of the mode of entry is subject to a number of factors, which include The level of competition in the foreign market The company size with regard to its financial and asset base. Nature of the product or service being offered by the firm Goal of the company in the international market The prevailing trade barriers The abo ve analysis identifies Qatar as a potential investment destination as illustrated by the intensity of competition and lack of trade barriers. Furthermore, an analysis of Beyond Bank Australia shows that the bank has developed a substantial asset and financial base. Furthermore, the firm intends to increase its profitability by venturing into new markets. Below is an analysis of the internationalisation strategies that the firm should consider. Direct investment Beyond Bank Australia should consider adopting the concept of foreign direct investment in its market entry. This strategy will entail establishing new branches in Doha, Qatar. One of the major benefits of adopting this strategy is that the firm will have total control of the operations of the new branch. Through direct acquisition, the bank will be in a position to develop quick access in Qatar due to the already established market network. Furthermore, direct acquisition will present the firm with a high probability of succ ess due to the low degree of risk involved compared to Greenfield investment. Klug (2006) argues that Greenfield investment in a foreign country is risky because of the high costs involved despite the view that the firm has full control of the firm. Furthermore, gaining free enterprise in the host country through Greenfield market entry method will take a substantial amount of time. This assertion arises from the view that the firm will be required to establish its own distribution networks and setup operations from the scratch. Therefore, the firm might experience competitive challenges during its initial market entry phase from the already established firms. Joint ventures and strategic alliances Beyond Bank Australia should also consider investing in joint ventures in order to improve the effectiveness with which it penetrates the Qatar banking industry. The firm should identify a potential local bank in Qatar whereby it can purchase major shares, which will lead to the establish ment of a new entity. Through the joint venture, Beyond Bank Australia will have substantial control power. Subsequently, the bank will make operation and investment decisions. In addition to control, joint ventures will provide the bank with an opportunity to access sufficient knowledge of the local market. Moreover, Beyond Bank Australia will improve its competitive advantage by enhancing the prevailing network of relationships (KPMG 2013). Furthermore, the firm should consider integrating the concept of a strategic alliance by identifying a potential local firm with whom the alliance should be made. For example, the firm should identify a potential firm offering Islamic banking products in Qatar to increase its product portfolio by developing a new Islamic financial product (Hossain 2009). Conclusion and recommendations The report shows that Beyond Bank has managed to develop a strong market presence in Australia and New Zealand. Moreover, the firm has entered some Asian markets such as China and Asia. However, the firm has not fully penetrated the Asian market. Subsequently, it is imperative for the firm to conduct a comprehensive market research in order to identify potential markets to enter. One of the markets that the firm should consider entering is Qatar, which is one of the emerging economies in the GCC region. The Qatar banking industry has experienced significant growth over the past few years. The growth has arisen from increment in the rate of government spending on infrastructural projects. The appropriateness of the Qatar banking industry is further enhanced by the view that the intensity of competition is relatively low. Subsequently, the firm should consider investing in Qatar in an effort to achieve its growth and profit maximisation goals. However, the firmââ¬â¢s success in Qatar will be determined by the effectiveness with which it undertakes the internationalisation process. The firmââ¬â¢s management team should consider the follow ing aspects. Merger and acquisition To improve the likelihood of succeeding, the firm should identify a local bank in the host country that it can acquire. However, the firm should conduct a comprehensive analysis of the targeted firm for acquisition in order to determine its efficacy. For example, the bank should conduct a cultural analysis of the identified firm in order to determine the degree of cultural fit between the two firms. Previous studies show that most mergers and acquisitions fail due to lack of effective cultural analysis in order to determine the degree of cultural fit. Beyond Bank Australia should compare its organisational culture with that of the targeted firm to aid in determining the degree of congruence between the two firmââ¬â¢s cultures. A high degree of cultural fit will minimise the likelihood of the firm experiencing conflict amongst employees after the merger. Consequently, the likelihood of Beyond Bank succeeding in its integration phase will improve significantly. Strategic partnerships It is imperative for the firmââ¬â¢s management team to consider entering strategic alliance with already established an already established bank in Qatar. This move will provide the bank with an opportunity to penetrate the host market effectively and efficiently by leveraging on the strategic partnersââ¬â¢ distribution network. Subsequently, it is imperative for the Beyond Bankââ¬â¢s management team to identify the most effective strategic partners. Some of the aspects that the firm should identify relates to the target firmââ¬â¢s distribution network, corporate governance, and quality of products. New product development To succeed in Qatar, Beyond Bank should identify the prevailing market opportunity that it can easily exploit in order to maximise its profitability. The analysis shows that Beyond Bank has managed to develop a substantial competitive advantage due to its strong financial base. However, it is important for the fir mââ¬â¢s management team to consider leveraging on its financial capability in the international market. Subsequently, the firm should invest in a comprehensive consumer and competitor market research. Consumer market research will aid in understanding the customersââ¬â¢ needs and expectations. On the other hand, competitor market research will aid in identifying market gaps that the firm can exploit. One of the areas the areas that the firm should consider relates to the types of Islamic products offered by local banks. Subsequently, the firm will attract new customer groups hence increasing its profitability. Organisational culture The success of Beyond Bank in its target market will be subject to the organisational culture developed. Therefore, it is imperative for the firmââ¬â¢s management team to nurture an efficient and effective organisational culture. Some of the aspects that the management team should take into account include adopting a flatter organisational struc ture. This move will improve the effectiveness with which decisions are made and hence the likelihood of the firm exploiting the prevailing market opportunities. Distribution network The report shows that the bank has established over 1,400 outlets globally. Upon entering the Qatar banking industry, Beyond Bank Australia should consider increasing its market presence by establishing additional retail outlets. This move will improve the effectiveness with which the firm offers financial services to a large number of customer groups. Customer service The bankââ¬â¢s ability to attract and retain customers in the host country and hence its long-term survival will be determined by the quality of servicesââ¬â¢ profits. Subsequently, it is imperative for Beyond Bank Australia to invest in a comprehensive customer service program by developing an employee training and development program in order to improve the level of their skills and knowledge on how to serve customers. One of the aspects that the firm should focus on relates to the host countryââ¬â¢s culture. Furthermore, the firm should focus on developing a strong customer relationship in order to improve the level of loyalty. Previous studies conducted show that the quality of banking services provided has a significant influence on the level of customer loyalty developed. Reference List Austrade: Australia banking industry 2011,,d.bGQ Beyond Bank Australia: At Beyond Bank Australia, weââ¬â¢re the other way to bank 2014, viewed from Carroll, A Buchholtz, A 2014, Business and society; ethics, sustainability and stakeholder management, Cengage Learning, New York. Hossain, M 2009, ââ¬ËCustomer perception on service quality in retail banking in Middle East; the case of Qatarââ¬â¢, International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, vol. 2 no. 4, pp. 338-350. Ireland, D, Hoskisson, R Hitt, M 2008, Understanding business strategy; concepts and cases, South-Western Cengage Learning, Mason. Kazmi, E 2008, Strategic management and business policy, McGraw-Hill, New York. Klug, M 2006, Marketing entry strategies in Eastern Europe in the context of the European Union; an empirical research into German firms entering the polish market, Deutscher Universitats-Verlag, Wiesbaden. KPMG: Conquering global markets 2013, Levi, K 2006, Market entry strategies of foreign telecom companies in India, Deutscher Universitats-Verlag, Wiesbaden. Mitchell, P Satter, R 2013, Westpac caught up in worldââ¬â¢s biggest money laundering sting, gy/technology-news/westpac-caught-up-in-worlds-biggest-money-laundering-sting-20130528-2naa8.html Pride, W Ferrell, O 2006, Marketing: concepts and strategies, Houghton, Boston. Saee, J 2007, Contemporary corporate strategy: global perspective, Routledge, New Jersey. Sandhusen, R 2008, Marketing, Barronââ¬â¢s Educational Series, Hauppauge. Qatar National Bank: Qatar economic insight 2013, Schermerhorn, J 2010, Management, John Wiley, Hoboken, New Jersey.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Action Case Study Walmart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Action Case Study Walmart - Essay Example ââ¬Å"Net Salesâ⬠was ââ¬Å"$405Billionâ⬠, operating income was ââ¬Å"$24Billionâ⬠and employee strength was ââ¬Å"8416 workers.â⬠(Financial highlights, 2010, para.1). Wal-Mart follows strict ethical and moralistic views in business. Its main guidelines are in terms of ââ¬Å"Respect for the Individualâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Service to our Customers and ââ¬Å"Striving for Excellence.â⬠(Our 3 basic beliefs, n.d, para.1). From a strictly ethical perspective, the circumventing of audit standards enforced by Mart auditors, Wal-Mart of the Ningbo Belfa Group are indeed reprehensible and was caught on three different occasions by the audit team. Speaks of the utter callousness with which this vendor views audit was caught on three different occasions; violating minimum wage and hours of overtime rules stipulated by the audit team. While Wal-Mart could hardly be said to be a party in these misfeasance, its strategic alliance with Belfar Group could put it in a spot of real trouble, in terms of being associated with a company with human rights violation record. This could also reflect badly on the business image and reputation of Wal Mart too. Walmart claims to have over 3800 food outlets in the United States and more than 2600 stores in the rest of the world. It has gained eminence as one of the market leaders in the retail trade and has completed streamline and reinforcement in supply chain management network by deliberating its pricing below competitive prices. Thus, it gained a major chunk of the middle class customers; who cannot afford high cost consumer products for daily use. Perhaps, one of the main reasons for the commercial success of Wal-Mart has been the success in online marketing and also its lower price than other brands. Also, it caters the needs of a large lower middle class segment of consumers, who would like to buy goods at cheaper rates than what is available in physical stores. Wal-Mart has attained a tremendous success in catering to this market. The factors that possibly
Saturday, November 2, 2019
This I Believe Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
This I Believe - Assignment Example d to have to exercise a lot just to survive because catching or collecting the meals and then getting them ready to eat, plus taking care of a place of shelter and clothing used to take a lot of effort. Now we can go to the store for all the things we need and it doesnââ¬â¢t take so much effort to walk through the market. In the meantime, our body is still wanting to move and the muscles get stiff and tired when we donââ¬â¢t exercise. When we do exercise, though, the blood vessels open up and more nutrients get to our muscles so that they are not so stiff. The muscles get strong and can help to support our body so that we can do the things we want to do. If we donââ¬â¢t exercise, all the food and things that we put in our bodies just sits there and turns into fat. This is not attractive. We get extra rolls around our waists and our legs get big so that they rub together when we walk. We get extra chins and we donââ¬â¢t move so much because we are so uncomfortable. When people get really fat, they start to look like something else and this is definitely not attractive. We canââ¬â¢t fit into our clothes anymore and the clothes that we can fit into do not look good because they canââ¬â¢t force us into a better shape. Even when the clothes are specially made to ââ¬Ëcontrol the tummyââ¬â¢ or to shape the leg, they are not comfortable to us and we donââ¬â¢t like to wear them. We may feel like getting sweaty is not attractive, but getting too big is even less attractive. Whatââ¬â¢s most important about exercise, though, is that it makes us feel better. When our bodies are healthier and work better, we donââ¬â¢t get sick as easy and this helps us to feel better in all things. If we are not very fat, we donââ¬â¢t have a hard time moving around or doing the things that other people are doing and so we feel more like we can join in the fun. We donââ¬â¢t have to look like a movie star to feel like we are attractive if we are ââ¬Ëin shapeââ¬â¢ for our body style and we feel more confident
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